The Rule of Law, not for the EU, but for the benefit of all citizens

 "By strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Justice, we are helping Serbia achieve the necessary progress in the area of ​​the rule of law," said EU Ambassador Sam Fabrizi, who today signed Phase 2 of the EU Justice - Supporting Chapter 23 project with Justice Minister Maja Popovic. "By joining forces with the EU, Serbia is making progress on the path of accession and implementing reforms in the interest of the citizens of Serbia," Fabrizi concluded.

Ambassador Fabrizi emphasized the importance of all public functions working within the law and with the independence of the judiciary, namely the principles of legality, transparency, pluralism and accountability. "The rule of law is being translated into a series of legal reforms. Serbia has been working on that since the beginning of the opening of accession negotiations. Our recent report on Serbia's progress highlighted Chapters 23 (Justice and Fundamental Rights) and 24 (Justice, Freedom and Security). His main message is that much remains to be done in the areas of judicial reform, the fight against corruption and organized crime, as well as freedom of the media and expression. The role of the Ministry of Justice is especially important. And that is why with this project we want to further strengthen the ministry through these main components: strengthening the normative activity of the Ministry of Justice and harmonization with the acquis communautaire in a number of key laws; strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Justice in the field of e-justice by providing the necessary expertise for new technological solutions, as well as providing support to the bodies responsible for the implementation of the Action Plan 23 ", stressed Fabrizi.

Minister Popović stated that this is another project on which the EU provides support for strengthening the rule of law in Serbia and that it is an excellent example of cooperation built on the principle of partnership.

"Constant dialogue with the professional public, as well as citizens, civil society organizations and the media, will follow all the most important steps on this very important path. Among other things, this project will support the adoption of a new Law on Court Experts, Translators and Interpreters, as well as an amendment to the Law on Civil Procedure and the Law on Notary Public. It will also enable the formation of the Register of Proxies, the Register of Wills, as an automation of court supervision. All of this should significantly contribute to the facilitation of life and everyday needs of the citizens of Serbia, "said Minister Popović.

"I would call on the Government of Serbia to focus on the reform of the rule of law, the reform of the judiciary, the implementation of the Action Plan for Chapter 23, the implementation of the Media Strategy, inter-party dialogue and so on. Serbia is implementing these reforms not only to be closer to the European Union, but also for the citizens themselves to feel the benefits of these reforms. In such a setting, everyone benefits - both the state and the citizens ", Fabrizi emphasized.

Minister Popović reiterated that membership in the European Union is an absolute foreign policy priority of the Republic of Serbia. "Our goal is not only mere membership and fulfillment of technical criteria within the negotiation chapter, but the strengthening of a modern state based on the rule of law, ie the creation of a future, credible member of the European Union," Popovic pointed out.

This project is the second phase of the European Union's support to the Ministry of Justice to strengthen its capacity to achieve its strategic goals and institutional capacities, as well as its day-to-day operations. The total combined value of the project is 3.98 million euros in grants, of which the second phase is worth 2 million euros. In Phase 2, this project is extended until October 2022.

Last updated: March 5, 2025, 14:21